Connected to the conversation

What your clients get with Encanta 100
- A clear and natural sound experience
- Hearing soft sounds without loud sounds becoming uncomfortable
- Hearing sounds coming from all directions

Older man enjoying time in the garden with his grandchild.

Environment: Low noise | Conversation type: 1:1

For clients who spend most of their time at home or in low-noise surroundings.

With Encanta 100, clients benefit from:

Clear and natural sound

11 dB SPL better speech understanding1

Illustration of a couple having coffee at a table with sounds from doorbell, phone and oven around them.

360° awareness

Fixed Omni Directionality picks up sounds coming from all directions, whether it’s a voice from another room or the doorbell ringing. Basic Smart Noise Reduction provides up to 6 dB of noise reduction. This helps improve sound quality and speech clarity in low-noise environments.

Key features

Illustration of great sound quality.

Encanta 100

Bernafon Sound Quality

Illustration 6 db noise reduction.

Encanta 100

Smart Noise Reduction


You can tell your clients

Encanta 100 will enrich their connections at home with family and friends. It makes soft and loud voices clear for great one-to-one conversations. And lets them hear all around them with clear and natural sound.

Explore the rest of the Encanta family

Encanta 200 GO

Encanta 300 ENGAGE

Encanta 400 PRO

Return to the Encanta family overview

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* All data were collected in a clinical trial between August and October 2023 including 25 participants with a mean age of 73 years, a mean hearing-aid usage of 12 years, and mean symmetric hearing threshold of 47dB HL (125Hz-8kHz). All data reported are significantly different from their respective reference.

1The comparison for Encanta 100 speech intelligibility (11dB SPL) is between the aided and the unaided SRT50 in quiet.
2The comparison for Encanta 200 speech intelligibility in noise (OLSA, 2.3dB SNR) is between the SRT50 obtained with and without noise management (NAL-NL2 gain targets).
3The comparison for Encanta 200, 300, and 400 (CCOLSA, 8%, 15%, 19%, respectively) is between the intelligibility obtained with and without noise management (reference Encanta 200 with NAL-NL2 gain targets).